

9:01 AM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »
This morning I woke with a sudden urge to Google "Fire Ant bites"
During a great adventure yesterday that included, a road trip to West Palm Beach, a tire blowout, and an unforgettable Mexican restaurant, somewhere in there I was down on all fours with my arm unknowingly on top of a quaint little fire ant abode. (may I add that we don't have these feisty guys in Canada and I've only been bitten by one once on my big toe)
Anyway, this morning, all the little bites have turned into whitehead-looking pustules. Super gross! And its taking EVERY ounce of willpower I have not to pop them.
A cup of coffee and some interweb searching later, I found myself on Amazon looking at books about canning and preserving naturally with honey. It really must be one of "those days" Because, on my yahoo homepage, the hot topic for the next fifteen minutes is this.
Experiment for today:
Wash arm thoroughly (its covered in calamine right now) Cover bites with honey, and see what happens. At least I'll smell sweet. :)


Anonymous said...

thanks for this